Pilot testing of the MemTrain programme running in 5 countries

The Memtrain project is running for one year already and there have been many achievements since the start. We have met in Prague to kick off, created first drafts of the training programmes, learned about our partners’ methods in the Joint Staff Training in Gdynia and now we are testing the MemTrain programme in 5 countries.

In each of the partner countries the pilot course starst with initial testing of the seniors. There are physical tests, memory tests and stroop tests conducted in the beginning of the pilot course and in the end. The Stroop test is conducted with the use of the Android App. Download here.


In Ireland there are 30 participants taking part in the athletics 10 week pilot testing. They are mostly active retired people aged 65+ so the program had to be slightly modified for their individual needs. The seniors are enjoying the combination of athletics and different memory training games.


The pilot testing will start in November – until now our Polish partners have created promotional videos to invite seniors to participate in the pilot testing.


The pilot testing has started in Slovenia with participation of members from the University for Third Age. The group attending nordic walking lessons has 15 members.


The pilot testing started on 24 October. There are 15 seniors taking part in the pilot testing run by a main instructor (Lisa Crosetti) and an assistant instructor.

Czech Republic

The Czech group consists of 15 seniors and the pilot testing started in October. They are combining memory testing with nordic walking in spite of the bad wetter and first snow we had.